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Our Achievements
CWA Website Editorial Page – ‘Caregiver’s Corner’ CWA formed an Editorial Sub-Committee led by Dr Daniel Tan as the ‘Editor-In-Chief’ and supported by CWA’s marketing team. The Editorial team is focused on producing interesting senior and caregiver-centric related articles to be published on CWA’s website on a monthly basis. Board members and guest writers were also invited to contribute articles. Senior Tele-Support Care Programme Tele-Support is a new initiative. The objective is to provide a regular follow up calls to the seniors addressing their health issues. This would be through tele-commuting conducted by CWA community nurses. The community nurses with the support of Allied team would schedule appropriate care plans and reviews for the seniors. Due to the pandemic, the programme will be deferred till further notice. |
Community Outreach Programme With Singapore’s ageing population, the number of seniors with support needs in the community will continue to grow. This, in turn, will lead to an increase in the number of family caregivers who need support. The question is: how can we prepare for the challenges ahead? Helping Seniors to Remain Independent – At times, a little help for our seniors can go a long way in allowing them to remain independent in the community. It could be as simple as providing basic home care services, such as simple housekeeping, companionship and getting groceries or it could be so much more. A new initiative by Caregiving Welfare Association (CWA), the Community Outreach Programme will serve a two-fold purpose:
As part of the initiative, the Community Outreach Programme team will conduct home visits (door-to-door) to identify any presenting issues and difficulties faced by the seniors and the caregivers. The CWA team (Allied Health Professionals and Community Nurse) will then be activated to meet with the seniors – often with their caregivers – in their homes to identify their specific needs. The team will also connect seniors with a combination of resources provided by CWA suited to their specific needs. Support is on-going as the team will monitor and offer various resources to meet the changing needs.
Expansion of CWA As part of our expansion plan moving into 2020, CWA is planning not only to extend our on-going programmes and services, but also introducing client-centric services to meet the social demands of a fast ageing population, and growing challenges of family caregivers.
In mitigating these challenges, with the support of the Ministry of Health and Advisor of Holland-Bukit Timah GRC and Member of Parliament Mr Christopher de Souza, CWA has acquired a space next to our current premise (located at Ghim Moh) from HDB. We hope that with this new physical space, it will be able to support our expanded services and programmes. A new counselling room will be set up to meet the increased number of clients who would require case management and counselling. There would also be a new activity room, to cater for more social engagement activities for seniors / family caregivers and to conduct caregiver support group programmes. The new physical space should be in operation by next year. |
Home Personal Care (HPC) Service Extended
To meet the demand of a fast ageing population and with an increasing need of family caregivers who needed respite care for themselves, CWA has introduced more service offerings through our current HPC service since its inception back in 2017. With HPC extended hours from 8am to 8pm, instead of 8am to 5pm, and the introduction of weekend HPC service (subject to manpower availability), we have received positive feedback from family caregivers.
Not to mention, caregivers (foreign domestic workers) were delighted that there is an alternative stand in of caregiver service offered by CWA for those whom they care for when they take their home leaves or weekend off days.
Overall, we are glad that with the improved HPC service offerings, CWA is able to lighten the burden of family caregivers as we continue to support them as they journey on. |
2017 was an exciting and busy year! As
part of the CWA’s expansion plan, CWA has launched the following three new
Mind-Able Programme Launched in April, the Mind-Able Programme was introduced to help the seniors at risk of, or diagnosed with, mild dementia to improve their quality of life through cognitive stimulating activities. It also aims to foster better relationships between caregivers and their loved ones. Home Personal Care (HPC) Service This service is provided by trained Community Caregivers (CCGs) to homebound seniors who require home personal care, such as personal hygiene, toileting, transferring, etc. CWA Caregivers’ Sanctuary CWA has set up its first Caregivers’ Sanctuary, a therapeutic place which will benefit caregivers and their families seeking respite and assistance. The Sanctuary is located at One@KentRidge within the vicinity of the National University Hospital (NUH). It was officially opened in November by Mr Sim Gim Guan, Chief Executive Officer of National Council of Social Service (NCSS). Click here for more information
CWA Inaugural CWA Caregivers' Week 2016
Close to 100 seniors and their caregivers had an unforgettable week of fun and learning as the Caregiving Welfare Association (CWA) launches CWA Caregivers’ Week 2016 for the first time. Running from 5 to 11 November 2016, the event features a wide range of community activities such as mass workout and public talk. The event was graced by our Guest of Honour, Mr Christopher De Souza, Member of Parliament, Holland-Bukit Timah GRC and Adviser to Ulu Pandan Grassroots Organisations.
Refer to CWA Caregiver's Week page for more details.
Eldersitter Programme
The Eldersitter Programme was initiated in March 2015 for the elderly and caregivers. We recognised that friendship is precious as one aged, especially those living alone. The Eldersitter Programme, not only provides friendship to the elderly, but also provides respite for the caregivers.
The Programme provides social and emotional support to them by lending a listening ear to the elderly and also engaging them with mind stimulation activities such as puzzles, games, etc. Through this
Programme, it will help prevent the feelings of loneliness and isolation amongst the elderly.
Community Mental Health Talks & Cognitive Screenings
Since November 2015, CWA has partnered with National University Hospital (NUH) to conduct a series of mental health talks and cognitive screenings in our effort to promote awareness on dementia, as well as to facilitate early detection of dementia in elderly.
Home Nursing Care
Home Nursing Care was implemented in April 2013 to provide home-based nursing care ensuring that the needy frail and home-bound elderly can recover in the solace of familiar surroundings instead of an institutional setting, which should be the last resort.
Online Counselling Service
Online Counselling Service was rolled on in November. The CWA Online Counselling service will provide help to caregivers who prefer to write in rather than have face-to-face counselling. Writing their thoughts and problem in an email is a flexible, convenient and easily accessible counselling option for caregivers.
Caregiver Support Programme
Ready to Care! Programme (Case Management)
The Ready To Care! Programme aims to facilitate a smooth transition from hospital to home by preparing family members to take on the role of caregivers. The Programme provides the family members with caregiving knowledge, homecare skills and the confidence to take care of their elderly loved ones at home.
CWA-Caregiver Support Group (CWA-CSG)
Formed specifically for caregivers of elderly with physical or mental disabilities, the CWA-CSG provides an avenue for caregivers to share information and experiences, and through which, acquire skills and knowledge to provide better care to their loved ones. The CWA-CSG carries the vision of reaching out to new caregivers, as well as meeting the needs of the existing caregivers who are providing on-going care.
A Landmark – Change in Name (March) Caregiver Counselling Welfare Association (CCWA) was officially renamed Caregiving Welfare Association (CWA) as of March 2010.The change in name reflects the Association’s rejuvenated vision, mission, revised priorities and execution as it moves away from providing services for caregivers to a stronger focus on eldercare. Nevertheless, recognising that families are the first line of care, CWA will continue providing services to the caregivers and focus on training responsible and knowledgeable caregivers to meet the needs of our ageing population. New Strategic Direction Three core thrusts form the strategic foundation of our mission and they comprise of Elderly Healthcare Assistance, Welfare & Social Support as well as Education & Awareness. |
Overseas Exchange Programme (March)
An exchange programme with the Gumi Council, Social Welfare Organisation, an elderly welfare group based in South Korea visited CCWA.40 members of the Organisation visited the CCWA Centre with the hope of learning more ways to improve the state of elderly and regional welfare in Gumi City. The members learnt of many Home Assistive products available in the market and this is useful information to which they hope to share with their welfare organisations back home in Gumi City. |
Caregiver Training (September)
These workshops are designed to provide caregivers with a more diversified skill set. Resource Centre (January) Aims to be a one-stop resource centre catering to the needs of caregivers. |
CCWA Centre for Seniors (December)
The Centre offers a range of community-based supportive programmes complemented by social activities to improve and maintain the functional ability of the elderly. It also provides relief for caregivers who need a break as well as family members who are at work. |
Caregiver Support Kit (October)
To give support to caregivers, CCWA produced a Caregiver’s Handbook as an easy point of reference for caregivers who are caring for their elderly loved ones at home. The Kit contains practical information for caring of the elderly person. It covers the general aspects of caring and explores a number of topics on basic homecare as well as guidance on emotional support. New Premises (May) Through the good offices of the Ulu Pandan CCC Welfare and Education Fund Committee, CCWA acquired new rented premises at 3 Ghim Moh Road, which houses the office of CCWA as well as a Day Centre for Seniors catering to the elderly. |
National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre – NIG (August)
National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC) awarded CCWA with the New Initiative Grant (NIG). The NIG provides seed money for start-up or new initiatives, which meet a need in the community or have strong components of volunteerism and/or philanthropy. The National Community Safety and Security Programme (CSSP) Award (July) The National CSSP Award in recognition of CCWA’s contribution to the success of Buona Vista CCC – The Golden Ambassador Project. Associate Professor Ho Peng Kee, Senior Minister of State for Law & Home Affairs presented the award to CCWA on 27 July 2005. NCSS Member (July) CCWA became a full member of NCSS. |
Free Legal Advice Pilot Scheme by the Law Society (September)
Eight VWOs were chosen and matched with law firms under the Law Society pilot scheme. This was aimed to provide free legal advice for VWOs to help them avoid potential legal pitfalls in their activities. CCWA was matched with Kishan & V Surai Partnership under this scheme. Introduction of Generations as Partners Project (August) Generations as Partners establishes “partnerships” between groups of youth and groups of elderly. CCWA worked in close partnership with several schools and institutions to organise various activities in bringing old and the young together. Collaboration with Queenstown Neighbourhood Police Centre (NPC) and GROs (July) CCWA collaborated with Queenstown NPC and GROs on their first Community Project on “Elderly Alert” known as the Golden Ambassador Programme (GAP). CCWA provided training to volunteer caregivers on eldercare. The former Environment Minister, Mr Lim Swee Say was invited to launch the event on 17 July 2004 and awarded the GAP Certificate to the Volunteer Caregivers who attended the training programme provided by CCWA on 13 July 2004. |